“Amway Scam” It Sounds Too Good
Amway Scam The Fantasy
Did you fell for the Amway fantasy? Have you come to your senses? And realized the mistake you’ve made. Are you asking yourself “how did I fell for this Amway Scam?” Do you feel stupid falling so hard for the Amway business? Hey stop blaming, and kicking yourself. I fell for it too. It takes me two years before I realize I was going nowhere with the Amway business. By that time though, I had already spent a ton of money. And seen no returns what so ever. Another words I didn’t spend money I lost money. Some of you reading this might be embarrassed to admit or talk about how and why you fell for this scheme.
Thinking back, I mean I consider me to be a fairly smart person, and know a bad deal when I see one. Maybe now I am but not back then. When I fell for this Amway fantasy, and I fell hard dollar signs was running circles around my head. At first I didn’t see this fantasy as an Amway Scam, not that I’m calling Amway a scam. However, when I first saw the plan I wasn’t told the whole story, I didn’t see the real picture. Come to think of it the one person who was responsible to show me the real picture, did not do so because in his mind that was not his job. His job the way he sees it, was to get me to focus and be excited about the money part, not the business part. The business part was left out to be explained later after I join.
Amway Scam The Money Is This Way
The way you get introduce to this business is very intriguing they shows you what they called the plan. Back then nine out of ten who saw the plan sees it as a pyramid scheme and thought of the business as an Amway Scam. For those of you who don't know, Amway is a multi level marketing business it’s all about selling to people you know, then they sell to people they know and so on. That’s the first way to make money with the business. You go up in rank, each rank has a “gem” name. I’m not sure if it is the same nowadays, but it used to be: eagle, Ruby & Sapphire's these are the mid ranks. Then you got Diamond, this is where you start making some real money. Followed is double Diamond and crown. Boy at this point you’re a millionaire. With a steady growing income of millions a year. Man I had big egos just thinking about becoming a diamond.